Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beauty schools

Hi pals.Hope you are doing great.This article is about the best running beauy schools in the region of minneapolis.Regency is one the more prominent beauty schools in the region of minneapolis which started as 2 schools and expanded to 80 schools in a 10 years span of time.They have very well equipped beauty intruments , good libraires , well trained and excelling beautician professors and the list goes on.Their students are very well recognised across the industry.They offer various kind of courses like in part time beauty coruses , full time and many such things.If you want to know more about the courses that they offer in , you can better visit them at the Regency Beauty Schools .Thanks for your time .Spread the greatness of the site to others.Meet you with further updates.

To be included at the end of your post: This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 3583 Alpine Avenue NW – Walker, MI 49544


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Monday, February 13, 2012